An extension MAY be granted by the Program Director as long as the student is in good standing otherwise in the program. Course extension requests must be submitted by using the EXTENSION REQUEST FORM (at the bottom of this FAQ) prior to the course deadline date for that student and with a specific requested date by which the student states he/she WILL be done with all course level requirements. Extenuating circumstances may be considered but generally only one course extension will typically be granted. A fee may be charged for the number of months agreed upon that must be paid in advance of the extension being granted in most cases.
Voluntary suspensions may also be requested with good cause for up to six months. However, these are also evaluated on a case-by-case basis and generally only one voluntary suspension may be granted.
Neither extensions or voluntary suspensions requests are guaranteed to be granted. Students must make every effort to complete by the stated deadlines and request one or the other of these items only if absolutely necessary. We want our students to achieve. But we also have a responsibility to all students to ensure that we can also stay within our state and national reporting parameters and expectations.
Drop Day:
Each student enrolled in a PERCOM course or program has a responsibility to meet the deadlines as listed in the policy above. This means students must stay on track so that the course or program can be completed on time or before the stated deadlines. Students must also follow the mandatory weekly course login Participation Policy demonstrating that the student is moving forward and working on the coursework in a progressive fashion.
Each class/program has a designated Drop Day as listed below. The student will be evaluated prior to Drop Day to ensure that he/she is logging in weekly as required and making adequate progress toward course completion. If it is determined that the student is not logging in and/or has not reached a specific point in the coursework as listed below, the student will be dropped from the course/program. The student may request to be reinstated ONCE after being dropped for a Drop Day violation and the course access date and deadlines will be reset ONE time, as well as a new Drop Day. However, if the student is dropped a second time for inadequate participation or progress, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter the program for a minimum of 2 months. All prior coursework and tuition payments will be forfeited, and the student would reapply as a new student.
Drop Dates and Parameters:
EMS Instructor: 3 weeks from course access date.
EMT: 3 weeks and through Exam 3
P1/AEMT: 8 weeks and through Exam 9
P2: 8 weeks and through through Exam 4
To request an extension for your program, please complete and submit the form below.