The first step to registering for an online course at our EMS school is to pick a tuition option, and then click "Add To Cart/Signup Now" to begin the payment process. Payments can be securely made at the online store using person/company check, PayPal standard, PayPal Credit, or credit card.
After your payment has fully processed... Our Admissions team will send you an email that contains the link to our Course Registration page. If you do not receive this email shortly after your Order Completed email arrives, please contact
PLEASE NOTE - If your payment is not successful using PayPal, it could be because of one of the following reasons: unconfirmed address, exceeded card purchase limit, insufficient funds, or an expired card. If this happens to you, we recommend trying a different card or contacting your financial institution for more information. For other payment options, please contact our Finance Manager at
If you are registering for the EMS Instructor Course, you will only need to fill out the registration form ( no background check or EMSTesting required ).
Course Registration for EMS Instructor is built into the first course lesson.
Once you have completed the course registration form, signup for the background check and class, please allow 5-7 business days for the background check to finish and your enrollment to be fully processed. Once you have been enrolled, you will receive an email with more details about your instructor and course deadline.
IMPORTANT! The day your receive the Course Access email is the day your clock starts for the program, but not before then!